Since 2006, has worked to be a resource for the music and history of New Orlean’s amazing Boswell Sisters. Since that time information on the internet and in print detailing their career, personal lives and accomplishments have grown exponentially. The void that filled is now crowded with many choices. At Bozzies, we have decided it is time to say farewell.
The Boswell Museum of Music donated its collection to the Historic New Orleans Collection in 2011. Resource materials are available from both the Collection and through the Williams Research Center.
An online discography is available that provides a good collection of the songs that the Boswell Sisters recorded.
A Facebook page managed by Vet Boswell’s granddaughter features many groups who have continued performing the enchanting Bozzie harmonies.
A book that details the life of the Boswell Sisters from a family perspective is available on Amazon.
Thank you to all the wonderful fans of the Boswell Sisters who have followed and contributed to this page. It was our honor to help you GET BOZZED!